HomeBible verses Images in Telugu and English Telugu bible Verse of the day (11-01-2025) byJesusBibleWordDaily 0 👉కీà°°్తనలు 37:4 à°¯ెà°¹ోà°µాà°¨ుబట్à°Ÿి à°¸ంà°¤ోà°·ింà°šుà°®ు ఆయన à°¨ీ à°¹ృదయవాంఛలను à°¤ీà°°్à°šుà°¨ు.👉Psalms 37:4So will your delight be in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desiresyou can download the image by clicking on the download ButtonDOWNLOAD Tags: Bible verses Images in Telugu and English Bible verses in Telugu and English Short Bible verses Telugu Bible verses Telugu Bible verses hd images Facebook Twitter