👉యోà°¹ాà°¨ు 15:7
à°¨ాà°¯ంà°¦ు à°®ీà°°ుà°¨ు à°®ీà°¯ంà°¦ు à°¨ా à°®ాà°Ÿà°²ుà°¨ు à°¨ిà°²ిà°šిà°¯ుంà°¡ినయెà°¡à°² à°®ీà°•ేà°¦ి ఇష్à°Ÿà°®ో à°…à°¡ుà°—ుà°¡ి,
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👉John 15:7
👉John 15:7
If you are in me at all times, and my words are in you,
then anything for which you make a request will be done for you
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